SALESFORCE #TIPS – Share a list view to several users

To whom may wonder how to share a same list view to a certain group of users, you should leverage Public Groups.

When creating a list view in Salesforce, you can create it :

  • for your own
  • for all users (you cannot be too selective on your filters, on a wide-open list view)
  • for a set of users from within roles / roles and subordinates

However, when you do want to share a list with a limited number of users, from the same role for example, you could feel that you should need to create a subrole just for it, or open it up to all users because you think you cannot do any other way.

Share a List View – No possibility to share to a group, if no Group had been created first

To be able to target a list of specific users, you could leverage Public Groups

To do so, navigate to Setup > Public Groups > New, create a public group with a relevant name, that would be easy to understand for users who would need to share their list views.

Share a List View – Creation of a Public Group

Once done, you will see that you are now able to share list views with Groups ; this option is now available among the list sharing options :

Share a List View – Sharing to a Public Group is possible when at least a Public Group exists

Here, we share the new list view, with the newly created Public Group :

Share a List View – Example when sharing to a group

To read more on the subject :

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