SALESFORCE #TIPS – Flow – System.CalloutException with uncommitted work pending ?

I built, some time ago, a very simple scheduled flow that only called an invocable method, calling itself an external virtualization system, to retrieve accounts from it, and to copy them back in Salesforce.

When I ran it, in debug mode (Debug > Run), the flow was failing with a strange « Callout exception » due to pending in-progress work ! (cf picture below) 

CallOut – Exception message

But when I call (in anonymous action) directly the method called by the action, it works fine !

What happens is that there were some DML operations in progress, when the scheduled flow was fired, meaning that some accounts records were not in a stable saved state.

In this case, you can naturally try to reorganize your code and flows to make sure there will be no element interfering with your DML. But, in case of a refactoring complexity, or short timing, if you ever face this case, to commit the in-progress transactions, you could use :

  • a Screen element (on a screen flow)
  • or a Pause element (on a scheduled flow) : reaching a Pause element ends the current transaction. When the flow resumes after the pause, the Get Records does not face anymore the « pending uncommitted work » exception.

Eventually, since then, you also now have the possibility to catch errors in flows with error-sensitive Fault Paths. To do so, select the DML-related element, and create the Fault Path from it. You can delete the Fault Path from the same place.

For information, in a screen flow, you could also have a look and decide to leverage a dedicated custom CommitTransaction element (from UnofficialSF :

To read more on the subject :

Salesforce Summer’23 – API v21-30 retirement (Summer’25!) – Integration problem with Microsoft Power BI

For Summer’23 release upgrade, Salesforce have originally announced that they will stop supporting API (Soap, REST, Bulk) version from version 21.0 to 30.0.

Salesforce Platform API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 Retirement

Release Update announced for Summer’23

For information, as you can see in recent Summer’23 related communications, these versions will be retired but will continue to run technically until Salesforce Summer’25 release !

That extra-time gives every Salesforce teams 2 years to update all API usages to newest API versions, and concomitantly ensure in the meantime that the « oldest » API are not used anymore by applications or tools connected to Salesforce (to push data to Salesforce, or get data from Salesforce), in your clients IT landscapes (ETL/ESB, data visualization tools, Salesforce custom API requests from client websites or mobile applications…).

To prepare for the API retirement, for our clients, we may organize technical discovery sessions with application owner (of all the applications connected to Salesforce) to discover which API version is used by these applications / these usages… but you will need to investigate technically as well through all the applications connected to Salesforce.

To get all these usages, you may use a VS Code extension like SFDX-Hardis (and especially Detect Legacy API use function)

Extract of Apex version legacy usages – retrieves with Hardis SFDX extension

I wanted to highlight a special usage I identified about a very well-known (and used) data visualization application : Microsoft Power BI.

Microsoft Power BI connection to Salesforce uses default v29.0 version, when the vesion is not explicitly configured in the report source.

A PowerBI configuration file, without mention of Salesforce API Apex version

To be able to make PowerBI use the desired Salesforce APEX API version, Data or Business consultants have to mention the API version to use, directly in the connexion configuration (Salesforce Login URL could be replaced by the domain name URL of the concerned Salesforce instance)

Source = Salesforce.Data("", [ApiVersion=57.0])

Just be cautious about :

  • Always work with the version of your production environment

In Salesforce release preview periods, you may have preview sandboxes on version N+1, although your production and non-preview sandboxes are in version N. It would generate errors if a configured API connection, based on the sandboxes you are testing the reports with, are deployed in order to connect with the production instance. Always leverage on the API version of the production instance.

To read more about 

Salesforce Trailblazer TDX 2023 – 5 FREE Integration User

Free Salesforce swag is always something that Trailblazers, Salesforce clients, and Salesforce-addict consultants are looking for… but when it comes to free licences, that’s a whole other issue !

In last TDX 2023 (TrailblazerDX 2023) on March 7th and 8th, Salesforce announced the addition of 5 FREE Integration user (= API Only) users for their clients (with Salesforce Enterprise and Unlimited editions), to be deployed, in a phased way as of March 14th, with additional licences at a very challenging price.

And, here they come !!

Salesforce, with its last Spring’23 patch 13.1, introduced the Salesforce Integration user license along with a Profile named API Only.

As indicated by its name, this new profile is dedicated to back-office operations / integrations.

5 new licences added for free and available for integration/technical user assignment

Naturally, in past and ongoing Salesforce implementations, Salesforce Architects and Technical Lead still recommend to use dedicated user (with either System Admin or Custom technical-oriented profile) to handle integration use case within Salesforce (still with proper connected app configuration as a best practice).

Each integration type is often covered by a dedicated user (or at least it should be).

That often leads to contexts with up to 3 or 5 dedicated integration users for integrations. Even if is aligned, this way, with administration & security standards, all these users consumes « all included » highly-priced « business » licenses slots.

From an admin point of view, there is no need anymore to create / clone new custom profile (who has cloned it from System Admin profile with out modifying it ? Moreover, who has always handled them directly as Admin ? ). The new API Only profile is here on the shelf.

New Profile – API Only naturally – accessible in Salesforce setup

As it is an « API Only » enabled profile, the users who will be assigned this new profile, will only be dedicated to integration use cases, because users would not be able – as it should always be the case for technical / integration users in order to avoid security-related access issue – to login to Salesforce login page by using the user credentials (that generally never expire, by the way).

The existing and new users – dedicated to integration use case – are now to be transferred / created with this new license and profile. Have fun & free some licenses !

Just be cautious about :

  • Automatisms / Apex code / bypass triggers… that may leverage profiles names. They should be taken in account concomitantly with the profile assignment switch to the new license/profile.
  • Check your integration after your license switch (with non-regression testing) on sandbox before impacting the configuration. Obvious comment, but that does not hurt to write it 😉

License and profile are available, as the others, in user creation setup page

For information, to be complete, an known issue has been logged by Salesforce, because some clients, who had already created a custom « API Only » profile with the same security idea, have encountered issues in their code. The issue is currently handled by Salesforce and will be solved in an upcoming patch.

In addition :

  • A Integration licence will be available in Developer Editions to test the feature
  • For customers who would need additional licenses, it will be possible to buy additional licenses at a very challenging $10 per user per month price (current public licences price shared by Salesforce).

To read more about Integration users :