QuickText issue when deploying to Salesforce instance

When deploying profiles to Salesforce, if you ever encounter « You can’t edit tab settings for QuickText, as it’s not a valid tab. », that probably comes from a configuration discrepancy between your Salesforce source and target instances.

« Quick Text »-related error, when deploying profile (here with Gearset solution)

This setting is already enabled in « Lightning version » setup page.

« Quick Text  » activation setting in your well-known setup page (User Interface > Quick Text Settings)

As Salesforce help mentions, only Classic instances, with chat enabled, have this setting automatically enabled. Otherwise, you will need to activate it manually, as done below.

So do not forget to switch to Classic, and to activate it too.

« Quick Text  » activation setting different from Lightning’s one

Once both settings are enabled, you can keep on deploying your Salesforce project ! Our QuickText issue will disappear as it appeared.

To read more on the subject :

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