You have probably already faced flow error telling you that your scheduled flow was handling too many records…

An idea was opened 5 years ago to ask for the possibility to add a limit on this Get Record, which is eventually a way to operate a DML operation, as you would have in SOQL with the LIMIT notion. Here is a screenshot of this idea :

Since Salesforce’s Spring’25 release update, you can now specify the number of records to retrieve, in your Get Records elements.
To do so, first, create a constant number resources, from the resources manager pane :

Thus, you would be able to use this resource in your Get Records element, as described here :

Do not forget to mention a sort order if relevant.
Naturally, some logics may need to be reviewed in your daily scheduled flows, to be sure you do not miss records (to be handled, but whose quantity would be greater than the limit value set) :
- Create a scheduled job to launch the flow more frequently
- If you have some date-related conditions in your flow, make sure that your flow is able to handle records from the day before (and not only today’s records as you may see in many scheduled flow samples)
- Spring’25 Release update – Enhance Flow Performance by Controlling the Number of Records Retrieved with Get Records