When you created a Salesforce Sandbox, the user creating the new sandbox was kept active to be able to login in this new sandbox, but all the other ones were created inactive.
Now, since the last release, you can choose to keep active, all the users of a Public Group, by example an Admin / Tech Lead active group, or for release deployment user, that may be granted access on all sandboxes.
You are required to select a public group. That means you need to configure such Public Group to be able to go beyond this screen. As it is an one-off operation, that is something you can configure up front, and review when needed when resources leave or arrive.
As you can see on the screen, the group is mandatory. Otherwise, it will generate an error asking you to enter a valid group name
If you were used to develop, and never jumped to VS Code installation on your workstation, you can now access Code Builder, with a much more professional user experience than Dev Console.
Follow this step-by-step guide to enable Code Builder, directly in your Salesforce Org.
You will need to enable from within your Production instance, but would be naturally able to work since then in your developer sandboxes. It will require a production license for each developer needing to use Code Builder, but does not need to be a full Salesforce business license.
Setup – Code Builder – Enable Code Builder
A new package version has been available since early May
The package is then available in Setup > Installed Packages
You can then either enable the Code Builder license to the Platform Integration license,
or manually assign the related permission set group to the concerned users
Remark : you would see the following permission sets when going through the related detailed permission sets
To Launch Code Builder, go to App Launcher
Code Builder instance is then loading in the browser, with an URL address looking like: https://nameoftheinstance-name.fra.001.sf.code-builder.platform.salesforce.com/?folder=/home/codebuilder/dx-project
After loading you will see a screen that will ring a bell :
Let’s connect the instance on which you will work (sandboxes) as you would do with your VS Code’s Command Palette
To do so, please follow the following instructions :
Click on Connect an Org button from previous screen. Then, in the displayed popup, select the kind of sandbox to connect to, as you can do, with VS Code’s Command Palette
Enter an alias to easily determine the instance
Once the window is loaded (could take a while), please click on the cloud icon, in order to open the Org Browser.
When you choose Open the Org Browser, all the configured instance metadata is retrieved and displayed in your local project under the root directory.
Then to access detailed configuration, choose the metadata in the left panel, and choose to Retrieve and Open Source
Now you can modify and push your code, from CodeBuilder, to your developer sandbox. As in VS Code, be always aware on the sandbox / instance, which your Code Builder is connected to.
In Winter’24 preview, there is a new feature that is in beta testing, that allows to consolidate and present an overall vision of all permissions present within a given Permission Set.
To access this summary, you should navigate in Setup, to the given permission set, and click on « View Summary (beta)«
A complete summary of all included permissions, of this Permission Set, is then displayed, without needing to deep dive in the usual permission menu (that you could see in the grey section of the bottom of the previous screenshot).
The top section of the page displays :
A first block with the Permission Set summary information,
Information about all permission set groups, which include the Permission Set
The section below presents :
The System Permissions present within the enabled Permission Set (before you had to go to the System Permission sub menu, and scroll through the whole page with all System Permissions, to see which ones have been enabled),
Free Salesforce swag is always something that Trailblazers, Salesforce clients, and Salesforce-addict consultants are looking for… but when it comes to free licences, that’s a whole other issue !
In last TDX2023 (TrailblazerDX 2023) on March 7th and 8th, Salesforce announced the addition of 5 FREE Integration user (= API Only) users for their clients (with Salesforce Enterprise and Unlimited editions), to be deployed, in a phased way as of March 14th, with additional licences at a very challenging price.
And, here they come !!
Salesforce, with its last Spring’23 patch 13.1, introduced the Salesforce Integration user license along with a Profile named API Only.
As indicated by its name, this new profile is dedicated to back-office operations / integrations.
5 new licences added for free and available for integration/technical user assignment
Naturally, in past and ongoing Salesforce implementations, Salesforce Architects and Technical Lead still recommend to use dedicated user (with either System Admin or Custom technical-oriented profile) to handle integration use case within Salesforce (still with proper connected app configuration as a best practice).
Each integration type is often covered by a dedicated user (or at least it should be).
That often leads to contexts with up to 3 or 5 dedicated integration users for integrations. Even if is aligned, this way, with administration & security standards, all these users consumes « all included » highly-priced « business » licenses slots.
From an admin point of view, there is no need anymore to create / clone new custom profile (who has cloned it from System Admin profile with out modifying it ? Moreover, who has always handled them directly as Admin ? ). The new API Only profile is here on the shelf.
New Profile – API Only naturally – accessible in Salesforce setup
As it is an « API Only » enabled profile, the users who will be assigned this new profile, will only be dedicated to integration use cases, because users would not be able – as it should always be the case for technical / integration users in order to avoid security-related access issue – to login to Salesforce login page by using the user credentials (that generally never expire, by the way).
The existing and new users – dedicated to integration use case – are now to be transferred / created with this new license and profile. Have fun & free some licenses !
Just be cautious about :
Automatisms / Apex code / bypass triggers… that may leverage profiles names. They should be taken in account concomitantly with the profile assignment switch to the new license/profile.
Check your integration after your license switch (with non-regression testing) on sandbox before impacting the configuration. Obvious comment, but that does not hurt to write it 😉
License and profile are available, as the others, in user creation setup page
For information, to be complete, an known issue has been logged by Salesforce, because some clients, who had already created a custom « API Only » profile with the same security idea, have encountered issues in their code. The issue is currently handled by Salesforce and will be solved in an upcoming patch.
In addition :
A Integration licence will be available in Developer Editions to test the feature
For customers who would need additional licenses, it will be possible to buy additional licenses at a very challenging $10 per user per month price (current public licences price shared by Salesforce).
When deploying profiles to Salesforce, if you ever encounter « You can’t edit tab settings for QuickText, as it’s not a valid tab. », that probably comes from a configuration discrepancy between your Salesforce source and target instances.
« Quick Text »-related error, when deploying profile (here with Gearset solution)
This setting is already enabled in « Lightning version » setup page.
« Quick Text » activation setting in your well-known setup page (User Interface > Quick Text Settings)
As Salesforce help mentions, only Classic instances, with chat enabled, have this setting automatically enabled. Otherwise, you will need to activate it manually, as done below.
So do not forget to switch to Classic, and to activate it too.
« Quick Text » activation setting different from Lightning’s one
Once both settings are enabled, you can keep on deploying your Salesforce project ! Our QuickText issue will disappear as it appeared.